Author: Rodney Sieh

Monrovia – Regarded as the skeleton in the closet, no one, including former Vice President Joseph Boakai, Senators Abraham Darius Dillon and Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, appear ready to admit or acknowledge; a beef in the making since the February 2019 formation of what was first seen as a formidable opposition collaboration of  – the All Liberian Party, Alternative National Congress(ANC), Liberty Party(LP) and former ruling Unity Party(UP); appears to be in tatters.

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Monrovia – Rep. Thomas P. Fallah (CDC, Montserrado, District No. 5), the chosen one by the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change to challenge the incumbent Senator Abraham Darius Dillon(Collaborating Political Parties) in the upcoming Senatorial Midterm elections is venturing into unfamiliar territory for incumbents in vote-rich Montserrado. With the exception of Senator Saah Joseph who won the special elections to fill the void left by football legend George Manneh Weah following his ascendancy to the Liberian Presidency, the county, regarded as the microcosm of Liberia, has always been dominated by the opposition.

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