Author: Rodney Sieh

Monrovia – Two scenarios are likely to play out  when the dust settles after the December 8 Senatorial Midterm elections: President George Weah’s ruling Coalition for Democratic Change could cement itself into strong contention for a second term with sweeping victories in the fifteen senatorial seats up for grabs – or the opposition Collaborating Political Parties could deal the incumbent a deadly blow that could make it nearly impossible for an incumbent victory in 2023.

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Monrovia – When news broke early Saturday morning that Mr. Emmanuel Barten Nyeswua, Director General of the Internal Audit Agency had died, initial reports suggested that he was intoxicated with alcohol – from a night out with friends at a local bar, woke up in the middle of the night and mistook a door in his bedroom leading to an outside pavement 13 feet from the ground, for the bathroom, and fell to his death.

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Monrovia – Bombarded with theories and innuendos regarding the death of her long-time friend and associate, Mr. Harry A. Greaves, former President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf turned to Liberia’s traditional stepfather, the United States of America for help in finding out whether something sinister was amiss after Mr. Greaves’ gruesome body showed up on the beach near the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the morning of Sunday, January 31, 2016.

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Monrovia – In a landmark ruling last month, the Supreme Court of Liberia dealt a major blow to Orange Liberia, declaring in a judgment that the sector’s regulator, the Liberia Telecommunications Authority (LTA) did not usurp the function of the Legislature when it published the imposition of surcharges on each minute of voice call and on each megabyte of internet data.

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Monrovia – Barely a week after Liberian government prosecutors issued a writ for his arrest, Mr. Andrew Wonplo, the former Director of Passport and Visa services, who was recently denied entry into the United States of America due to his alleged involvement with passport fraud, says passports issued under his watch were done with the approval of some senior officials in the George Weah-led government, he says were part of a syndicate granting diplomatic passports to foreign nationals.

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