Author: Rodney Sieh

Monrovia – An investigation by FrontPageAfrica suggest that the construction of an Invincible Park within striking distance of the James Spriggs Payne Airport, which for years served as practice ground for President George Manneh Weah’s former football team, Invincible XI, aiming to include a modern Soccer Pitch, Basketball Court, Tennis Court, and playground for kids, is in clear breach of the guidelines of the International Civil Aviation Organization.

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Monrovia – Health authorities in Liberia are urging calm amid reports of a suspected case of the deadly Ebola Virus deriving from next-door Guinea. An official from the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare confirmed to FrontPageAfrica early Thursday that tests are currently being conducted on a suspected case of the killer virus. That result, the source said should be ready by the end of business day Thursday. The patient, a female, reportedly came from Guinea Wednesday evening and is currently at the Redemption Hospital awaiting lab work. The potential index case patient, reportedly returned from Nzerkoure, one of the…

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Monrovia – Assuming the mantle of authority of Africa’s oldest republic, three years ago today, President George Manneh Weah sent a clear message of his government’s intent to break away from the past and put his stamp of authority on the recurring issues of corruption, bad governance, economic downturn and a rapidly shrinking decline in the rule of law.

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