Author: Henry Karmo

MONROVIA – The Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) government seems to be disappointed in the results of what it put together in 2017 and has made dispiriting comments about the George Weah style of leadership. James Biney, the chairman of the National Patriotic Party of the three political parties making up the coalition for Democratic Change, says that the George Weah style of leadership over the past six years is not what he signed up for, with little or no impact made on the lives of the people from the southeast, the very region the President is from.

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MONROVIA – Several people living with disabilities from five counties in Liberia have completed a three-day accessibility audit training aimed at enabling them to conduct an accessibility audit of Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) centers and suggest recommendations for improvements that will assist people with disabilities to attend.

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MONROVIA – A team of foreign doctors is in the country providing free community mobile health services to residents in need of emergency or first-aid medical services in communities in Montserrado County. The doctors are in the country at the request of Montserrado County Senator Saah Joseph. Mitchell Wire, the head of the team of doctors, said the team is in Liberia to provide treatment for sicknesses, including body pain, malaria, typhoid, and high blood pressure. This is the second week of the operation, and more than 2,000 patients have been treated. The doctors also brought in 10 40ft containers…

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