Author: Henry Karmo

MONROVIA – Senator Jeremiah Kpan-Koung (MDR-Nimba County) has vehemently denied rumors suggesting that he was recently denied a US Visa by the United States Embassy near Monrovia, referring to the claims as ‘stupidity’. Koung, who also serves as the running mate to Unity Party standard Beard Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai, clarified that he last traveled to the US in 2019 and has not made any requests or attempts to travel there since then.

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MONROVIA – Majority members of the Liberian Senate are currently engaged in a heated debate regarding the confirmation proceedings for all presidential nominees, particularly those nominated for tenure positions. The Senators are divided on whether to outrightly reject or hold confirmation proceedings for nominees to the Liberian Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC).

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MONROVIA – The management of Golden Veroleum Liberia (GVL) and the host communities in Grand Kru County have agreed on several quick impact interventions. The decision was reached following a daylong meeting on Monday, June 12, at the Boulevard Palace Hotel in Sinkor, between representatives of the affected communities and the senior management of GVL.

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MONROVIA – Mr. Alexander Cummings, the political leader of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), has voiced his support for Musa Bility, the chairman of the CPP, following the recent closure of his company, Srimex Oil and Gas, due to allegations of tax invasion and road fund issues. In a Facebook podcast, the CPP political leader backed Bility’s claims that the opposition Unity Party was responsible for the shutdown, despite the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) carrying out the action, stating, “In Liberia, anything is possible.”

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