Author: Henry Karmo

MONROVIA – The Unity Party standard bearer Joseph Nyumah Boakai has revealed that he took a stand for peace in 2017 when he decided to concede defeat. He shared that he had received advice from Mr. Benoni Urey, the leader of the All Liberian Party (ALP), to protest against the election results that declared President George Weah the winner.

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MONROVIA – The stage is set for a fierce competition in the upcoming October 10, 2023 Presidential and general elections, as a staggering number of candidates – 1030 to be exact – vie for 105 coveted elected positions within the executive branch of the government and the legislature. While only a fortunate 105 will emerge victorious, the remaining 925 will have to accept defeat.

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Liberia, like many African nations, benefits from a substantial youthful population. Statistics reveal that young individuals constitute two-thirds of Liberia’s populace, presenting both an asset and a potential liability. The outcome depends significantly on the conduct and participation of young people throughout the election period.

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