Author: Gerald C. Koinyeneh

Monrovia – As debate over the establishment of the War and economic crimes court heightens, the International Justice Group (IJG) and its partners, the Movement for Justice in Liberia (MOJUL) and the Global Initiative for Justice (GIJ) have called for the full implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) recommendations. In what appeared to be one of the forceful requests so far, IGJ, headed by Cllr. Jerome J. Verdier, and its partners called on President George Weah and House speaker Bhofal Chambers to lead the process, especially the establishment of a war and economic crimes court, or they step…

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Monrovia – As part of the effort in helping government to contain the spread of the raging COVID-19, the management of Monrovia Breweries Incorporated (MBI), with approval of the company’s board of directors, have made a huge donation of sanitary materials and oxygen cylinders to the Ministry of Health and some medical facilities across Monrovia and its environs.

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Gardnersville – It was a jubilant day for residents of Keselley Boulevard in Montserrado County District #12 when the Jerry K. Yogboh Foundation broke ground for the construction of a bridge linking two of the communities- ‘Blocks B and C’. The two communities have been yearning for help because the makeshift bridge linking them has damaged and residents are constrained to commute on it daily. With the intervention of Mr. Jerry K. Yogboh, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the foundation and a prominent resident of the District #12, the problem will soon be solved. At the ground breaking ceremony…

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